
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

1.27.21 Workout of the Day

1.27.21 Workout of the Day

830 crew

Jumpstart January Weight Loss Challenge
Final Week 4 of our weight loss challenge. Best of luck to all our participants as we have over $500 in the pot for winning participants. Stay committed!

Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

Open Gym
In effort to provide our athletes more training times for accessory work & for those that desire to wod in a more socially-distant setting during COVID 19, we have added some open gym hours listed under our “Schedule & Rates.” Other then those times, all scheduled classes are for members participating in group classes. Hope this helps some of you out. 👍

1. “Cho To-Go”
5 minute AMRAP
30/21 Echo Bike or Ski
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
AMRAP “Macho Man” (135/95)
-Rest 5 minutes-
5 minute AMRAP
24/16 Echo Bike or Ski
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
AMRAP “Macho Man” (155/105)
-Rest 5 minutes-
5 minute AMRAP
15/10 Echo Bike or Ski
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
AMRAP “Macho Man” (185/135)

1 round of “Macho Man”= 3 PC+3 FS+3 Jerks

3 sets
1 minute Plank
10 DB bench press
15 DB bent over rows

Min 0-10
On the minute: 10/7 calorie row
1 minute rest

Min 11-21
On the minute: 15 KBS (53/35)
1 minute rest
Min 22-32
On the minute: 20 air squats
1 minute rest

Stimulus: Each “working minute” should take no more than 30 seconds. If the rep scheme above is not sustainable with exceptional form for 30 seconds, modify your reps. Go hard for that 30 seconds, and earn that 30 second rest.

Double Tabata

1.28.21 Workout of the Day

1.28.21 Workout of the Day

1.26.21 Workout of the Day

1.26.21 Workout of the Day