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11.9.19 Workout of the Day

11.9.19 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Destine

Box Brief

Open Gym 930 AM - 1030 AM

CrossFit and ICT

"Tippy Toes"
For Time:
200 Meter Run, 21 CTB Pull-Ups, 21 Burpees
200 Meter Run, 21 Calorie Row
200 Meter Run, 15 CTB Pull-Ups, 15 Burpees
200 Meter Run, 15 Calorie Row
200 Meter Run, 9 CTB Pull-Ups, 9 Burpees
200 Meter Run, 9 Calorie Row

11.11.19 Workout of the Day

11.11.19 Workout of the Day

11.8.19 Workout of the day

11.8.19 Workout of the day