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2.18.21 Workout of the Day

2.18.21 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday to this silent assassin mSal Sr.


Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

February Fitness Challenge 
In addition to our regular class program & in effort to tighten up bellies, grip & mind, on your own complete for quality this month:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:150 sit-ups 

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Accumulate 3 minute plank or bar hang.

“Cardio Thursday’s”
In preparation for The Hilton Head 1/4 & 1/2 Marathon on Sunday, March 7th & The Jacksonville Spartan Race Feb 27-28th, the next 3 Thursday’s we will complete monostructural workouts, aka “cardio” wods. Those that do not wish to run may opt to machine (bike, ski, or row). Al, owner of Hilton Head Running Co & race organizer has graciously put together the Thursday workouts for us. Each Thursday wod will be designed from 25-40 minutes & can all be modified. Please use these days to explore your fitness & better your areas of weaknesses.

Barbell & Interval
WU: Run @ 5min Easy/ 1000/800 m ski or row
WOD: 2x (4x400m @ Hard) or 500/400 m ski or row w/ 60sec recovery between efforts & extra 60 sec. recovery between sets. Cooldown: Run @ 5min Easy/ 1000/800 m ski or row.

2.19.21 Workout Of The Day

2.19.21 Workout Of The Day

2.17.21 Workout of the Day

2.17.21 Workout of the Day