3.09.22 Workout of the Day
615 PM
Box Brief
-Free CrossFit 843 car decals are in the lobby.
-Limited number of St. Patrick Day shirts are in the lobby. Proceeds go to Lowcountry Strong Foundation.
Strength: Back Squat [15 minute window]
A) Build to a heavy set of 10, then
B) 1X10 @ 90% of heavy 10
C) 1X10 @ 80% of heavy 10
Conditioning, “Shot Clock”
1 bar muscle up
15 wall balls (20/14)
2 bar muscle up
15 wall balls (20/14)
3 bar muscle up
15 wall balls (20/14)
[Add 1 bar muscle up each round]
Bike/ Ski Intervals: 10 rounds
:30 seconds hard effort
:30 seconds moderate effort
Conditioning: “Whatever You Like”
For Time: [40 min cap]
50 double DB hang cleans (50/35’s)
3000 m row or 2400 m run
100 burpee box jumps (24/20)
-This workout is slightly tweaked from our last Tuesday Barbell workout & is awesome! Partition reps however you like. Recommended strategy is 5 rounds of 10 Hang cleans, 20 burpee box jumps, 600 m row.-
Midline: 5 minute Static holds (:45/:15)