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2.21.22 Workout of the Day

2.21.22 Workout of the Day

2022 Open Information
This year’s 3-week CrossFit Open starts this week. We will complete The Open the next three consecutive Fridays in class, on the barbell side. Those that register online must have a certified judge to judge them. All other non-registered athletes will have a fellow athlete judge them in class. Those athletes that can not make the Friday class will have the opportunity to complete The Open during Sunday open gym or may restest Monday. More information will be given in class this week.

Strength: Power Clean [15 minute window]
A) Build to a heavy set of 10, then
B) 1X10 @ 90% of heavy 10
C) 1X10 @ 80% of heavy 10

Conditioning: “Open Workout 14.4”
60 calorie row
50 T2B
40 Wall balls (20/14)
30 power cleans (135/95)
20 Ring Muscle ups


Team of 2, AMRAP 35
60 burpees
50 DB Front Squat (50/35)
40 Box Jumps (24”/20)
300 m run
20 pull-ups
10 calorie bike

Run together, Partition reps evenly

2.22.22 Workout of the Day

2.22.22 Workout of the Day

2.20.22 Workout of the Day

2.20.22 Workout of the Day