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8.7.24 Workout of the Day

8.7.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Belated Birthday Natasha & Ryan Ott from your Tuesday 830 & 1230!

Box Brief
Just like yesterday, we will have a full schedule (minus the 615 PM) for Wednesday. Any updates please check our Facebook or Instagram as this can change overnight due to flooding, power outages, etc. Thank you.

5x3 Wide Grip Bench Press

Team of 2, for time
30 Strict handstand Push Ups
90 kipping handstand Push Ups
—Pull Up Bar Hang—

- into -

120/100 Calorie Ski or Bike
—Handstand Hold—

One Partner is working, One Partner is Holding. In order for Partner 1 to work on handstand push ups, Partner 2 must be hanging from the pull up bar. In order for Partner 1 to complete calories on the ski or bike, partner 2 must be holding a handstand. Switch as desired from the working station to the hold station.

Barbell & Interval
In teams of 2, For Time
Double DB Deadlift (50/35’s)
Double DB Reverse Lunges
Double DB Shoulder to overhead

[Cash in & out w/800 m run or 1000/800 m row or 50/36 Calorie Bike.]

-Run together, partition reps evenly.

8.8.24 Workout of the Day

8.8.24 Workout of the Day

8.6.24 Workout of the  Day

8.6.24 Workout of the Day