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9.16.20 Workout of the Day

9.16.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Brandon

“20 Questions”
20 Power Cleans (95/65)
20 Thrusters
20 Push Press
20 Hang Power Snatch
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
-Perform 5 burpees at the start of the workout and at the top of every minute.-

Body Amor
3 sets of
10 Romain Deadlifts (95/65)
15 Front Rack Walking Lunges
-Rest 1-2minute after each set -

“The Ocho”
On the every 4 minutes x 8 sets
20/15 calorie row
200 m sprint
-The goal is 2 minutes rounds or better-
-Score= slowest round

3 sets of
15 rower pike ups
15 hollow body rocks
15 Supermans
-Rest 1 minute after each set -

This workout was yesterday’s Barbell WOD. The best male athlete’s slowest round was 1:33 and female was 1:49 seconds.

9.17.20 Workout of the Day

9.17.20 Workout of the Day

9.15.20 Workout of the Day

9.15.20 Workout of the Day