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12.23.21 Workout of the Day

12.23.21 Workout of the Day

830 AM 843 reppin crew

This is a beautifully programmed repeat workout.
How many athletes can complete this workout in the 40 minutes?

Barbell & Interval
Active Recovery Day,
AMRAP in 40 minutes of:
75/60 Calories or Ski/ Bike
75 Alt DB C&J or Snatch (50 / 35)
75 Toes to Bar/ 125 ambat sit-ups
75 Burpees
75/60 Calories on Ski/Bike

***60 seconds of work, 60 seconds of rest***

If you complete the second set of calories on the Ski Erg before the 40 minutes is up, you are done. Contrarily, if you don’t think you’ll finish, push to get as far into it as possible. 

12.24.21 Workout of the Day

12.24.21 Workout of the Day

12.22.21 Workout of the Day

12.22.21 Workout of the Day