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5.16.23 Workout of the Day

5.16.23 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Alexis

Seated Strict Press
5x5, building

3 Rounds for total reps
AMRAP 1:30
200 m run INTO max Double DB Box steps overs (50/35’s) (24/20)
:30 second rest
AMRAP 1:30
12/9 Calorie Ski or Bike INTO max Devil’s Press (50/35’s)
:30 second rest

For Time
“Triple 3”
3000 m row
300 DUBS
3 mile run

Athletes: Please do not cherry pick this workout and not show up. There will be smart scale options listed to achieve desired time stimulus.

5.17.23 Workout of the Day

5.17.23 Workout of the Day

5.15.23 Workout of the Day

5.15.23 Workout of the Day