11.6.24 Workout of the Day
Tuesday 415 PM
Stop Soldier Suicide November Challenge
Headed by Jeff Moyer, everyday complete a 1 mile run or 2000 meter row (this includes in class running or rowing). Goal is 60,000 meters of rowing or 60 miles of running this month to raise awareness for this cause. In addition, as extra credit complete 100 bodyweight reps of choice (sit-ups, pushups, squats, lunges, etc). We will have a whiteboard to track keep you all accountable. Please check out members only FB for more info.
4 sets
30 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
2 minute recovery bike or run
4 sets
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
2 minute recovery ski
3 sets
15 DB Pull Throughs (50/35)
15 DB Side Bends (each side)
On the every 3:30 x 10
200 m run or row
1 Round Double DB “DT”
Option 1: Heavy “DT” = 12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 S2OH (50/35’s)
Option 2: Light “DT” = 15 DL + 12 HPC + 9 S2OH (35/20’s)
-Modify run distance or reps to sub 1:45/min per round. Score = slowest round. -