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11.16.22 Workout of the Day

11.16.22 Workout of the Day

Congratulations to Lindsey on completing her dissertation becoming a Doctorate in Education Systems. Congrats Dr. Lindsey!

Happy Birthday Steve

Clean Pull + Power Clean

Barbell Bash
For Time:
50 Deadlift (135/95)
40 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Front Squat
20 Power Cleans
10 Thrusters

3 Sets for max reps
AMRAP 3:00
400 m Run or 25/18 ski or bike
Max Jump Rope
rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3:00
400 m Run or 25/18 ski or bike
Max Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3:00
400 m Run or 25/18 ski or bike
Max Wall Walks
rest 1 minute

11.17. 22 Workout of the Day

11.17. 22 Workout of the Day

11.15.22 Workout of the Day

11.15.22 Workout of the Day