
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

12.9.23 Workout of the Day

12.9.23 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Leigh & Eric

Box Brief
CrossFit 843 Winter Hoodies
All hoodies & pullovers must be pre-ordered by 12/13. Information & signup is on gym whiteboard.

Dress To Impress Holiday Party
Our Annual Holiday Party is at Poseidon, Friday Dec.15th. All information can be found on our Instagram. Sign up on gym whiteboard to RSVP.

Barbell & Interval
Team of 2, 4 RFT
40/32 Calorie Echo Bike or Ski
40 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (70/50)
50 GHD Sit Ups
100ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (70/50)

-One works one rests, partition evenly.-

12.10.23 Workout of the Day

12.10.23 Workout of the Day

12.8.23 Workout of the Day

12.8.23 Workout of the Day