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Where Athletes Train.

12.12.20 Workout of the Day

12.12.20 Workout of the Day

830 Friday crew

December Challenge
In effort to keep everyone engaged & to hold you all accountable during this holiday season, our December Challenge is to go an “extra mile everyday.” Whether that be running, walking, rowing, skiing, etc. Before or after class, at the gym or at home, just get it done & have some fun with this.

Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class. Let’s all make it a 5-day excuse-free week of training.

Open Gym
From 9:00-10:30 today, the Interval side of the gym will be open. Please be mindful of the group class as they have priority on squares & equipment.

Barbell & Interval :
“Next Level” In teams of 2, for time
800 m run
42 Snatches
800 m run
42 Clean & Jerk
800 m run
42 Thrusters

-Run together, partition reps evenly-
Barbell option: 135/95
Dumbbell option 50/35’s

-Those that would like to complete this work out as an individual, may do so. The rep scheme is 21 reps per movement.-

12.14.20 Workout of the Day

12.14.20 Workout of the Day

12.11.20 Workout of the Day

12.11.20 Workout of the Day