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8.14.20 Workout of the Day

8.14.20 Workout of the Day

The Garcia- Rodriguez familia

Box Brief
RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Back Squat: 2 sets of “12-6-3” Wave
12 Reps
6 Reps
3 Reps

“Free Agent”
6 Rounds:
200m Run
21 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
9 CTB Pull-Ups

Min 0-5: 1000/800 m row or 800 m run
Min 5-10 AMRAP: 5 devils press (35/20’s)
15 sit-ups
Min 10-15: 1000/800 m row or 800 m run
Min 15-20:10 alternating DB snatches (35’s/20’s)
15 sit-ups
Min 20-25: 1000/800 m row or 800 m run

8.15.20 Workout of the Day

8.15.20 Workout of the Day

8.13.20 Workout of the Day

8.13.20 Workout of the Day