
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

3.21.20 Workout of the Day

3.21.20 Workout of the Day

CrossFit 843 #Blufftonstrong

CrossFit and ICT

Pick one WOD, commit to it and complete it. This is VERY easy time to get into bad habits, so start the morning off and get your fitness in! The more posts the better.. this will hold yourself and other members most accountable during this time. Have a great weekend & please do your best to keep disciplined!

1 hour run/ row/bike for max meters or mileage.

“1/2 Murph”
800 m run
50 pull-ups or any “pull” of choice
100 Pushups
150 Airsquats
800 m run

-post all times and picks to IG and FB-

3.23.20 Workout of the Day

3.23.20 Workout of the Day

3.20.20 Workout of the Day

3.20.20 Workout of the Day