
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

1.19.23 Workout of the Day

1.19.23 Workout of the Day

Wednesday 830 Interval ladies

Happy Birthday Kim Reed & Manny

Week 3 Nutritional Challenge:
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water. Challenge starts Monday & last through Friday. Please write name on the whiteboard in gym lobby to participate.

Barbell & Interval
For Time
400 m Farmers Carry (53/35’s)
800 m run
300 m Farmers Carry (53/35’s)
600 m run
200 m Farmers Carry (53/35’s)
400 m run
100 m Farmers Carry (53/35’s)
200 m run

1.20.23 Workout of the Day

1.20.23 Workout of the Day

1.18.23 Workout of the Day

1.18.23 Workout of the Day