
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

10.4.23 Workout of the Day

10.4.23 Workout of the Day

Order your Thursday Fall League Tacos & enter Luis’s Charity Raffle for the homeless.

Fall League Information
Your heat times will be posted today. Any issues please Contact Amber. There will be no Thursday evening classes.

Business Banners
All banners have be hung. Special thanks to all our local business members for supporting us. Thank you!

5 sets of:1 Clean Pull + 1 Pause Power Clean + 1 Pause Push Jerk, building.

For Time
50 T2B
40 Burpees to rack
30 Strict Handstand Push Ups
20 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Rope Climbs

4 sets on the every 3 minutes
Round 1:: 20/16 Calorie Echo Bike or ski
Round 2: 25/20 Calorie Row
Round 3: 30 Weighted Abmat Sit-ups (25/15)

10.5.23 Workout of the Day

10.5.23 Workout of the Day

10.3.23 Workout of the Day

10.3.23 Workout of the Day