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3.04.20 Workout of the Day

3.04.20 Workout of the Day

615 PM


Beast Builder
On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:
Set 1: 11 Deadlifts + 11 Push Jerks
Set 2: 11 Deadlifts + 9 Push Jerks
Set 3: 11 Deadlifts + 7 Push Jerks
Set 4: 11 Deadlifts + 5 Push Jerks
Set 5: 11 Deadlifts + 3 Push Jerks
Set 6: 11 Deadlifts + 1 Push Jerk

“Biltmore”AMRAP 15:
30/21 Calorie Machine or choice
30 Box Jump Overs (24″”/20″”)
30 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans (50’s/35’s)

25 minute AMRAP
15 single KB DL (70/35)
200 m run
25 abmat sit-ups
30 shoulder taps (lf+rt=1)

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3.05.20 Workout of the Day

3.03.20 Workout of the Day

3.03.20 Workout of the Day