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Where Athletes Train.

12.6.21 Workout of the Day

12.6.21 Workout of the Day

Andrew Calore completing The Tactical Games, Sawmill Training Center Laurens, SC. An ultimate test of fitness, marksmanship, and tactics, consisting of 5 “battles” that involved CrossFit style functional fitness work accompanied with firearms marksmanship.” 👍

December Challenge
Run 1 mile or complete 100 sit-ups per day, before or after class. The goal is to keep you all engaged throughout this holiday month with simplistic movements that can be done anywhere, anytime.

Pre-Order signup sheet for sweatshirts is posted on the gym whiteboard. Order deadline is Wednesday, December 8th for pre-Christmas arrival. Any questions please see Amber.

Save the Date
CrossFit 843 Dress to Impress Christmas Party , December 18th at Poseidon. Sign up sheet will be posted the week prior to the party.

Hang Power Snatch Conditioning
On the every 2:00 x 5
9 hang power snatch (50-60% of 1RM)
21 wall balls (20/14)

”Up & Downs”
200 m row or Run
10-1 Double DB Box Step Ups (50/35’s)(24/20”)

AMRAP 6 x 5 Rounds
400 m run
100 shoulder taps
Remaining time max rounds of
10 KBS (53/35)
6 pull-ups
Rest 1 minute

12.7.21 Workout of the Day

12.7.21 Workout of the Day

12.4.21 Workout of the Day

12.4.21 Workout of the Day