
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

10.3.22 workout of the Day

10.3.22 workout of the Day

Happy Belated Birthday Angie from your 843 chicas.

FOTC Workout Times (Options)
Friday-Monday (Anytime) Please communicate with another FOTC registered member & judge each other. Group class takes first priority so please work away from class.

Sunday: 9-11 AM with mimosas to follow. This is the recommended time slot as there are no coinciding classes & we can utilize both sides of the gym for time efficiency & spacing.

Back Squat

“Might Get Loud”
For Time
100 DUBS
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
100 DUBS
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
100 DUBS
20 Wall Balls (20/14)

Accessory Finisher
2-3 sets for quality
20 GHD Sit-ups with medicine ball
200 m sprint
20 KB Side Bends (10 each side)

Team or 2, 4 RFT [35 minute cap]
30 Double DB Deadlifts (50/35’s)
25/18 Echo Bike
30 Double DB Hang Power Cleans
25/18 Echo Bike
30 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead
25/18 Echo Bike

-One works, one rests, partition evenly-

Accessory Finisher
2-3 sets for quality
20 Partner Medicine Ball Sit-ups
20 DB Side Bends (10 each side)
200 m sprint

10.4.22 Workout of the day

10.4.22 Workout of the day

10.2.22 workout of the day

10.2.22 workout of the day