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Where Athletes Train.

11.30.20 Workout of the Day

11.30.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Julie.

Box Brief
We anticipate a very busy week as the holiday is over. Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class. Let’s all make it a 5-day excuse-free week of training. #letsgo


Strength:Stamina Squats
On the every 1:30 x 8 sets complete
5 front squats
10 back squats
This is week 1 of 5 week squat progression. Week 1 is a single bar, loaded at 50% of1RM throughout every set.

Conditioning: “Waterfalls”
4 RFT of
300 m run
30/24 calorie row
30 Alternating DB snatch (50/35)
-Run substitutes will be listed on whiteboard-


On the every 4:00 x 8 complete
300 m run
20 KBS (53/35)
10 burpees
Run substitutes will be listed on whiteboard. Goal should be sub 3:00 minute rounds, so please scale appropriately.

12.1.20 Workout of the Day

12.1.20 Workout of the Day

11.28.20 Workout of the Day

11.28.20 Workout of the Day