01.27.20 Workout of the Day
Happy Belated Birthday to this badass, Herman aka “Coach.”
Box Brief:
Our Annual Super Bowl Square Pool is posted at the gym. Get your squares while they last.
Back Squat: 5-Rep Re-Test : Build to a Heavy set of 5
After a build through warming percentages, and a handful of heavier reps to prime the body and mind, let's find a new baseline today on our 5-Rep. Compare to the test at the start of the cycle.
"Pins and Needles"AMRAP 12:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
15 Deadlifts (95/65)
Every 4 minutes for 8 sets complete
10 DB hang C&J right arm (50/35)
10 DB hang C&J left arm (50/35)
10 DB Alternating Hang Snatches
12/10 bike or 200 m sprint
Score = slowest set
Midline + Cooldown : 10 minutes Coaches Choice