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8.16.22 Workout of the Day

8.16.22 Workout of the Day

Monday Morning Ladies

Happy Birthday Kat Ritter

High Hang Snatch
2-2-2-2-2 @60-65-70-70-70% of 1 RM

“Maverick & Goose”
On the every 10:00 x 4 sets
12/10 Calorie Ski or Bike
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)
12/10 Calorie Ski or Bike
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)
12/10 Calorie Ski or Bike
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)
[Target time: 5 minutes. Cap:7 minutes/round]

Maverick & Goose” will be Wednesday’s Interval Wod.

Team of 2 Leapfrog AMRAP 30
9/6 Calorie Row
6 Double DB Hang Cleans (50/35’s)
20 DUBS/ 30 singles

Partner Sprint Work
For Time
10 x 200 Meter (5 each)
-I go, you go.-

2 sets for quality
30 second DB glute bridges
30 second plank with shoulder taps
30 second russian twists

8.17.22 Workout of the Day

8.17.22 Workout of the Day

8.15.22 Workout of the Day

8.15.22 Workout of the Day