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4.8.24 Workout of the Day

4.8.24 Workout of the Day

Congrats to all our ladies this weekend!

Snatch Balance
On the minute x 10
3 Snatch Balance

2-3 sets
3 rounds
3 Wall Walks
5 Box Jump with Step Down (30/24)
7 Toes to Bar
9 Wall Ball (20/14) (10/9)
35 Double Unders
-rest 3 minutes-

4 sets for max reps
4 minute window:
400 m run
AMRAP remaining time
5 Squats
5 Pushups
5 Strict pull-ups
-rest 1 min-
4 minute window:
500/400 m row
AMRAP remaining time
5 KB DL (53/35)
5 Russian KBS
5 American KBS

-Add 1 rep each round. Start round where last left off.

4.9.24 Workout of the Day

4.9.24 Workout of the Day

4.7.24 Workout of the Day

4.7.24 Workout of the Day