
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

11.8.21 Workout of the Day

11.8.21 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
Those interested in participating in our 2nd Annual 9-Hole Golf Outing on Saturday. please contact Martin this week. It will be extremely causal, quick & fun!

Happy Belated Birthday Morgan Crutchley
Happy Birthday Chef Nate


”A little Sumthin”
On the every 2:00 x 10
15 box jump (24/20)
10 T2B
1 squat snatch (or squat clean) at 75% RM

Midline: For Quality
Barbell Good Morning (45/35)
Barbell Front Rack lunge (45/35)
Weighted Glute Bridges (45/35)

On the every 4:00 X 8
300 m run or row
20 DB front rack lunges (50/35)
5 single DB devils press (50/35)

Midline: For Quality
Weighted Abmat sit-ups
Weighted Glute Bridges

11.9.21 Workout of the Day

11.9.21 Workout of the Day

11.7.21 Workout of the Day

11.7.21 Workout of the Day