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2.12.24 Workout of the Day

2.12.24 Workout of the Day

Great weekend of CrossFit family, fun & fitness.

Barbell [Deload Week]
Romanian Deadlift 7-7-7

-50 foot Sled Push [heavy] after every set.-

Team of 2, 16 RFT
4 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

-Athlete complete full round of couplet.-

40 Single DB Devils Press (50/35)
40 T2B
800 m run
30 Single DB Devils Press (50/35)
30 T2B
800 m run
20 Single DB Devils Press (50/35)
20 T2B
800 m run
10 Single DB Devils Press (50/35)
10 T2B
800 m run

2.13.24 Workout of the Day

2.13.24 Workout of the Day

2.11.24 Workout of the Day

2.11.24 Workout of the Day