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3.8.25 Workout of the Day

3.8.25 Workout of the Day

Friday 830 AM

Box Brief
Today’s workout is long so please be on time. Let’s start this beautiful Saturday off with a nice long “Saturday Sweat,” cause Sunday weather looks kind of yucky.

Barbell & Interval  
Chris Harris “300 Calorie Team of 2 Challenge”
20-40-60-80-100 Calorie Ski or Bike
400-400-400-400-400 m run
20-40-60-80-100 Calorie Row

Female calories: 16-32-48-64-80

-Run together, partition reps evenly.-

Midline & Pump (Accessory)
4 sets
25 Abmat Sit-ups
20 DB Side Bends
10 DB Hammer curls

3.9.25 Workout of the Day

3.9.25 Workout of the Day

3.7.25 Workout of the Day

3.7.25 Workout of the Day