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01.10.20 Workout of the Day

01.10.20 Workout of the Day

RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed.

Silverback Primer

3 Sets For Quality:
5 Tempo Bent Over Rows
10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
:20 Second Front Squat Hold

Push Press
4 Sets of 6
Rest 2 minutes between sets. This is our third of four iterations in this sequence.

"Speedo"Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds:
21/15 Calorie Row
15 Plate Hops
5 Thrusters*
*Building to a Heavy Thruster Weight.


Conditioning: In teams of 2 complete

3 sets of: 3 minute AMRAP of

A) Max single KB box steps ups(53/35)

B) Max Alt Hang DB Snatch (50/35)

C) Max cal bike

D) Max burpees to 6 inch target

-1 minute rest between sets -

-one works, one rests, SCORE=total team reps

01.11.20 Workout of the Day

01.11.20 Workout of the Day

01.09.20 Workout of the Day

01.09.20 Workout of the Day