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7.10.23 Workout of the Day

7.10.23 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Tom Rodgers from your 843 family.

Pause Back Squat + Back Squat 5-5-4-4-4

21 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 24 Crossovers / 48 DUBBs
Minute 2: 6 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
Minute 3: 12 Wall Balls (11/10) (20/14)

Team of 2, AMRAP 30
300 m
6 alternating rounds of Dumbbell Complex

DB Complex
8 Deadlift (40/25’s)
6 Hang Power Clean
4 Shoulder to Overhead

Run together,, I go you go with the complex.

7.11.23 Workout of the Day

7.11.23 Workout of the Day

7.9.23 Workout of the Day

7.9.23 Workout of the Day