
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

10.9.23 Workout of the Day

10.9.23 Workout of the Day

Congrats to Chris M. on his Wedding Day!

Golf Outing
CrossFit 843 9-Hole Golf Scramble Is this Saturday., Sign up with Martin at the gym & we will finalize teams.

Fall League Information
Week 2 workout is posted. Get with your team & strategize. Heats will begin 5:00 PM on Thursday. Any heat requests must be given to Martin or Amber by Tuesday. There will be no Thursday evening classes.

Bench Press
Build to a heavy set of 3

10 Rounds for reps of:
:30 seconds of MU/Pull-ups/Ring Rows
:30 second rest
30 seconds of Wall Balls (20/14)
:30 second rest

Round 1
500/400 m Ski
30 Unbroken DUBS / 50 Unbroken Singles
20 DB Alternating Unbroken Power Clean (50/35)
Round 2
25/18 Calorie Bike
30 Unbroken DUBS / 50 Unbroken Singles
20 DB Unbroken Front Squat (50/35)
Round 3
400 m Run
30 Unbroken DUBS / 50 Unbroken Singles
20 DB Alternating Unbroken Power Snatch (50/35)

If you break on jump rope, start over. Please find a DB weight that you can move unbroken with exceptional form.

10.10.23 Workout of the Day

10.10.23 Workout of the Day

10.8.23 Workout of the Day

10.8.23 Workout of the Day