
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

1.9.21 Workout of the Day

1.9.21 Workout of the Day

Jumpstart January Weight Loss Challenge
Our weight loss challenge Is in full swing. Best of luck to all our participants, as we have over $500 in the pot for winning participants. Stay committed to your healthy eating over the weekend.

Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

Barbell & Interval
1. Conditioning: Team “Barbie Girl”
5 rounds
400 m run
1 round “Barbara”
-run together, partition reps evenly-

1 round “Barbara”
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats

Run & sit-ups substitutes will be listed on the whiteboard as we have done a good bit of volume with both of these movements this week. This workout may be done as an individual as well. .

1.11.21 Workout of the Day

1.11.21 Workout of the Day

1.8.21 Workout of the  Day

1.8.21 Workout of the Day