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9.27.22 Workout of the Day

9.27.22 Workout of the Day

Fall League Week 3

Fall League Final Week 4
Workout is posted on our Members-Only FB page today. The last 3 heats will go in order of overall ranking with the top 4 teams in the last heat. All other heat requests must be texted by captain to Amber or Martin by Tuesday PM.

Fall League Workout
Our Fall League Prep wod on the CrossFit side today will be programmed on the Interval side on Wednesday. All Fall League participants are recommended to come to class the next two days to get your practice in. Please check our Members Facebook Page for the relay demo video.

“Cherry Pie”
Calorie Row
Calorie Ski or Bike
Rest 3 minutes between sets

Fall League 12 minute EMOM prep (:30/:30)
Station 1: Max UB Jump Rope
Station 2: 30 ft Sandbag carry + Max Sandbag over Shoulder (100/75)
Station 3: Wall Walks
Station 4: 100 m sprint

Team of 2 30 minute Leapfrog AMRAP
10 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
10 KBS (53/35)
100 m Sprint

9.28.22 Workout of the Day

9.28.22 Workout of the Day

9.26.22 Workout of the Day

9.26.22 Workout of the Day