
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

7.12.21 Workout of the Day

7.12.21 Workout of the Day

Mike, Sammy & Eric

July Challenge

Stretch 10 minutes a day. Everyday,

Kids CrossFit
Session 2 of CrossFIt Kids is in session. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of July. Anyone interested please see Amber.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Grunt Work: Grit Squats, Week 4A
3 supersets
“X” Back squats
“X” Front squats
-Rest 2 minutes between sets-

Conditioning, “Beach Ball”
40 wall balls
30/24 calorie row
20 T2B
10 Alternating power snatch (70/50)

Conditioning: In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
30 KB Front Rack Lunge (53/35)
30/22 Calorie bike or ski
30 KB Front Squats
300m Run

-Partition reps evenly, run together-

7.13.21 Workout of the Day

7.13.21 Workout of the Day

7.11.21 Workout of the Day

7.11.21 Workout of the Day