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11.10.21 Workout of the Day

11.10.21 Workout of the Day

Blanca, completing “Chad” last week in Florida,

Saturday Golf Outing
Those interested in participating in our 9 Hole Golf Outing on Saturday, please see Martin at the gym this week. It will be extremely causal, quick & fun!

Veteran’s Day Thursday
We will have regularly scheduled classes. All classes will be completing “Chad” a Hero workout, celebrating the life of Chad Wilkinson, a 22-year active duty Navy Seal who took his own life in 2018. The workout is 1000 box step ups. We will have numerous scaling options for all fitness levels.

Deadlift [15 minute window]
On the every 1:30, 4x3 dead stop deadlift @ 78% of 1 RM.
On the every 1:30, 4x3 T&G deadlift @ 83% of 1 RM.

”Fluffy” Part 1
8 Minute AMRAP
Max cal ski or bike
Rest 2 minutes
”Fluffy” Part 2
8 Minute AMRAP
1 rope climb + 10 DUBS, 2 rope climb + 10 DUBS, etc.
Rest 2 minutes
”Fluffy” Part 3
8 Minute window
Establish 5 RM Deadlift
Rest 2 minutes

Team of 2 30 minute AMRAP
20 Double DB hang cleans (35/20’s)
30 calorie row
40 Partner Medicine ball tosses (20/14)

One athlete works, one rests. Partition reps evenly. Athletes may substitute 300 m run (together) for the row.

Midline :2 sets for quality (:40/:20)
Left plank
Low plank
Right plank
Shoulder taps

11.11.21 Workout of the Day

11.11.21 Workout of the Day

11.9.21 Workout of the Day

11.9.21 Workout of the Day