
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

2.6.23 Workout of the Day

2.6.23 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Victor.

Box Brief
Our annual Super Bowl Square pool is posted at the gym. $10 per square with100 squares available. All must prepay. Once board is filled we make another one.

Back Squat
3x3, building

75 Squats
25 Push-ups
50 Wall balls (20/14)(11/10)
25 Push-ups
75 Squats
Rest 5 minutes
45 Squats
15 Push-ups
45 Wall balls (20/14)(10/9)
15 Push-ups
45 Squats

3x7 Barbell Good Mornings, building.
-After every set perform :30 second weighted plank on forearms.-

5 sets for time
ODD: 300/250 m row
15 Unbroken Russian KBS (70/53)
Rest 1 minute
EVEN: 300 m run
30 Unbroken DUBS/ 60 singles
Rest 1 minute

-If you break, start over.-

3 sets for quality
10 Calorie Bike/ Ski
20 alternating toe touches
1:00 plank

2.7.23 Workout of the Day

2.7.23 Workout of the Day

2.5.23 Workout of the Day

2.5.23 Workout of the Day