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Where Athletes Train.

8.31.24 Workout of the Day

8.31.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Edward Taylor.

Labor Day Weekend Schedule
Saturday: Full Schedule (6:00, 7:15, 8:30 AM)
Sunday: Open Gym 9:00-10:30 AM
Monday: [Labor Day] Open Gym 8:00-10:00 AM & 5:00-7:00 PM
Annual Wod for Ret @ CTF Hilton Head, 8:00 AM

Barbell & Interval
“Hotshots 19”
30 Airsquats
19 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 Strict Pull-ups
400 m run

As we will be closed for Labor Day, today we will be completing hero WOD, “Hotshots 19” to honor & pay tribute to the 19 members of the Granite Mountain HotShots firefighting team who tragically lost their lives while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona on June 20, 2013.

9.1.24 Workout of the Day

9.1.24 Workout of the Day

8.30.24 Workout of the Day

8.30.24 Workout of the Day