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5.20.24 Workout of the Day

5.20.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Tabi!

Box Brief
  Memorial Day Murph, Sandbar Saturday & BeachBum Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon signups are on lobby whiteboard. Please signup so we can plan accordingly.

Final “Murph Prep Monday”
Part A.
3 sets
800 m Run
-Rest 2 minutes after each set.-

Part B.
3 sets
20 Pull-ups
40 Push ups
60 Squats
-Rest 2 minutes after each set.-

On the every 3:00 x 10
10 KBS (53/35)
12 Jumping Split Lunges (total)
14/12 Calorie Echo Bike or 200 m run

[We will complete Murph Prep on Tuesday.]

5.21.24 Workout of the Day

5.21.24 Workout of the Day

5.19.24 Workout of the Day

5.19.24 Workout of the Day