8.30.19 Workout of the Day
Mayra, FlashBack Friday, 2018 Fall League
RED Friday’s : Wear your RED to show support for our military (Remember Everyone Deployed).
Box Brief: Starting this week we will be adding a 630 AM CrossFit Class M-W-F. This will be a 2 week trial class on which we need (on average) 5 people/ class in order to keep it. Any ICT’er wanting to take a CrossFit class may take this CrossFit class. Our goal is to (hopefully) grow this class within 2 weeks and keep it M-F. So those that have noted interest, please show up!
Snatch Complex:
On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
1 Snatch Pull
1 Low Hang Power Snatch
"Crazy Stairs"
For Time:
10 Rounds of "CTB Cindy"
50/35 Calorie Row
30 Power Snatches (115/85)
1. Conditioning: 28 minute EMOM (:30/:30)
DB Alternate Hang Snatch (50/35)
abmat situps
calorie bike
Inversions: HSPU, HS HOLD, Wall Walk,
2. MIdline+Cooldown: Caoches Choice