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4.11.22 Workout of the Day

4.11.22 Workout of the Day

What we do ⬆️ In 100 words.

Happy Birthday Rob F. & Steve P.

April “100 Challenge”
Accumulate 100 miles of run/ walk over next 30 days plus 100 sit-ups per day. These are very attainable goals IF you prioritize your time & really want to look & feel great for this summer season. Wod miles do count.

Strength: Deadlift [12 minute window]
A) Build to a heavy set of 3 then
B) 1X3 @ 90% of heavy 3
C) 1X3 @ 80% of heavy 3

Hero “Donny” [18 minute cap]
For Time
Deadlift (225/155)

Cooldown + Accessory
3 sets for quality
400 m run
20 barbell good mornings
15 barbell bicep curls

For 30 minutes, in teams of 2, with both partners working at the same time complete:
Partner 1: AMRAP of
5 Double DB hang cleans (35/20’s)
10 Double DB front rack lunges (35/20’s)
15 airsquats
Partner 2: 300 m run

Both partners work, when P2 completes the run, they start AMRAP where P1 left off.

3 sets for quality
25 sit-ups
20 DB glute bridges
1:00 minute plank

4.12.22 Workout of the Day

4.12.22 Workout of the Day

4.10.22 Workout of the Day

4.10.22 Workout of the Day