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5.9.22 Workout of the Day

5.9.22 Workout of the Day

2nd Annual Outside The Box Throwdown.

Happy Birthday Gina Rodriquez & Belated Birthday Luis Castillo.

Strength: Power Snatch [12 minute window] Build to a heavy single

Conditioning: “Threefer”
400 m run
20 T2B
30 alternating DB hang snatch (50/35)
40 Airsquats
50-ft single DB OH walking lunge (Right)
50-ft single DB OH walking lunge (Left)

A version of the workout will be programmed on the Interval Side for Tuesday.

Long Conditioning
On the every 4:00 minutes complete 400 m run. In remaining time complete max calorie row until 300/250 calories have been reached.
[40 minute cap]

This workout is programmed on the Barbell Side for Tuesday.

5.10.22 Workout of the Day

5.10.22 Workout of the Day

5.8.22 Workout of the Day

5.8.22 Workout of the Day